
How To Say Squash In Spanish

How to say 134 delicious vegetables in Spanish, from turnip to taro

Marco Monroy

Whether you're a die-hard foodie or are simply conscious of your nutrition, learning how to say the vegetables in Spanish will help you unlock new flavors.

Vegetables are a big part of the human diet. They provide us with the cobweb, nutrients, and essential amino acids we need to survive. Plus, vegetables are integral to many dishes effectually the world.

The best part nearly vegetables is how various they are. Vegetables come in all colors, shapes, and sizes, giving us a wide variety of tastes and flavors. While that's great news for our taste buds, it also means there is a lot of vegetable vocabulary to memorize as we acquire Castilian.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Learning how to say all the vegetables in Spanish can be a worthwhile claiming that can help u.s.a. in many ways.

Hither are a few reasons why you should learn nearly vegetables:

  • Yous'll exist able to understand Spanish menus more easily.
  • You'll exist able to ask for substitutes or modifications when you order at restaurants.
  • Castilian cooking recipes will be much easier to understand.
  • Negotiating prices at food markets in Latin America will be easier.
  • You lot'll learn about Latin American vegetables you may not accept heard of before.

So, with all this in mind, what'south non to love about learning all the different vegetables?

Nosotros've compiled a comprehensive list of vegetables divided by categories, followed by how to say them in Spanish to brand the learning process much easier. As a bonus, nosotros've too included some handy tips to help you lot memorize all the vegetable vocabulary very quickly.

If you're hungry, you might want to go get a bite to eat before we get started with our comprehensive list of Spanish veggies. There's no style you won't work up an appetite subsequently learning about so many vegetables! Let'southward get started.

Complimentary Spanish vegetables affiche

Print out this costless and fun vegetables poster and stick information technology on your refrigerator. If you can memorize this list of some of the more pop vegetables in Spanish, you'll exist on your style to sounding like a local.

Free Spanish vegetables poster.

List of vegetables in Spanish

Of course, the first affair you should know earlier we outset is how to say vegetables in Spanish. Luckily, it's quite like to English: vegetales. The divergence is in the pronunciation, equally it sounds like veh-hay-tah-less (bexɛˈtales) in Castilian.

Now let's get into all the wonderful vegetables the Earth provides for us. Nosotros'll pause down the list into dissimilar types of vegetables to make it more manageable.

Root vegetables in Castilian

Root vegetables are tasty, crunchy, and versatile. Many cuisines are built on vegetables like carrots, ginger, and radishes. And then at that place are other tasty root vegetables that have a loyal post-obit, like yucca and beets. And then, if yous're looking to master all the root vegetables or simply want to learn how to say turnip in Spanish, the table below is for you lot.

Root vegetables in Spanish.

English language Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Beet El betabel ɛl bɛtaˈβɛl Elle bay-tah-belle
Carrot La zanahoria la sanaˈoɾja La za-nah-oh-re-ah
Celeriac El apio nabo ɛl ˈapjo ˈnaβo Elle ah-pee-oh nah-bow
Daikon El daikon ɛl ˈdai̯kõn Elle dai-kon
Parsley Root La raíz de perejil la raˈis̬ ðe pɛɾeˈxil La rah-ease day pay-ray-heel
Parsnip La chirivía la ʧiɾiˈβia La chee-re-vee-ah
Radish El rábano ɛl ˈraβano Elle ra-bah-no
Salsify root La raíz de salsifí la raˈis̬ ðe salsiˈfi La rah-ease day sal-see-fee
Swede La naba la ˈnaβa La nah-bah
Turnip El nabo ɛl ˈnaβo Elle nah-boh
Horseradish El rábano picante ɛl ˈraβano piˈkãnte Elle rah-bah-no pee-kahn-tay
Yucca La yuca la ˈɟʝuka La you-kah
Fennel El hinojo ɛl iˈnoxo El e-no-ho
Ginger El jengibre ɛl xɛ̃nˈxiβɾe El hen-he-bray
Water Chestnut La castaña de agua la kasˈtaɲa ðe ˈaɣwa La kas-tah-nya day ah-goo-ah

Tuber vegetables in Spanish

Ofttimes confused with root vegetables, tuber vegetables are parts of a institute as opposed to being the entire establish. For instance, a carrot is the entire plant (root vegetable), whereas a potato is simply a office of a spud plant (tuber). So, you tin can get several vegetables from a tuber plant, whereas but 1 vegetable from a root constitute.

There aren't that many tuber vegetables, but some of them are heavy-hitters. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, and fifty-fifty taro are wildly pop vegetables that do well in a variety of cuisines. If you love potatoes, you'll notice the table below very helpful.

English Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Cassava La tapioca la taˈpjoka La tah-pee-oh-cah
Jerusalem artichoke La alcachofa de Jerusalén la alkaˈʧofa ðe xɛɾusaˈlɛ̃n La al-kah-cho-fa day hay-roo-sah-len
Potato La papa la ˈpapa La pah-pah
Taro El taro ɛl ˈtaɾo Elle tah-roh
Yam El ñame ɛl ˈɲame Elle nya-meh
Sugariness Potato El camote ɛl kaˈmote Elle kah-mo-tay

Bulb vegetables in Spanish

Bulb vegetables are some of the most important vegetables for cooking. While y'all probably won't munch on an onion or a clove of raw garlic, what would cooking be without some sautéed onion and garlic? Check out the tabular array below to learn almost all the varieties of bulb vegetables.

Woman with bag of vegetables in Spanish.

English Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Fennel Bulb El bulbo de hinojo ɛl ˈbulβo ðe i̯ˈnoxo Elle bull-boh day eastward-no-ho
Garlic El ajo ɛl ˈaxo Elle ah-ho
Leek El porro ɛl ˈporo Elle poh-roh
Onion La cebolla la seˈβoʝa La say-boh-ya
Shallot El chalote ɛl ʧaˈlote Elle cha-low-tay
Chives El cebollino ɛl seβoˈʝino Elle say-boh-ye-no
Ruby Onion La cebolla morada la seˈβoʝa moˈɾaða La say-boh-ya moh-rah-dah
Scallions El cebollín ɛl seβoˈʝĩn Elle say-boh-yeen

Stems and shoots in Spanish

Stems and shoots are most like edible grass, in a way. These vegetables grow out of the ground and can regrow after they're harvested. In fact, many people fifty-fifty keep shoots similar lemongrass at habitation and harvest it for personal utilise. If you lot're a fan of stems and shoots in the kitchen, cheque out the table beneath.

English Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Asparagus El espárrago ɛl ɛsˈparaɣo Elle es-pah-rah-get
White Asparagus El espárrago blanco ɛl ɛsˈparaɣo ˈβlãnko Elle es-pah-rah-get blahn-co
Bamboo Shoots Los brotes de bambú los ˈbɾotes̬ ðe βãmˈbu Los bro-tess day bam-boo
Celery Stalks El apio ɛl ˈapjo Elle ah-pee-oh
Kohlrabi El col rábano ɛl ˈkol ˈraβano Elle col rah-bah-no
Rhubarb El ruibarbo ɛl rwiˈβaɾβo Elle roo-e-bar-bo
Hearts of Palm Los palmitos los palˈmitos Los pal-me-tos
Lemongrass El zacate limón ɛl saˈkate liˈmõn Elle za-kah-tay lee-mon

Flower vegetables in Spanish

Flowers can be very romantic and a great manner to show someone that you lot love and appreciate them. Blossom vegetables, unfortunately, do not conduct the aforementioned romantic connotations as flowers do.

How romantic would it be to receive a bouquet of cauliflowers? Perhaps a foodie would appreciate the gesture (I know I would!), only you're better off sticking to flowers for romance and flower vegetables for repast prep. Only—if you're looking for romantic ways to express love in Spanish, we've got another blog postal service for you.

For at present, allow'due south get into how to say these flowery vegetables.

Zucchini flowers in Spanish.

English Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Artichoke La alcachofa la alkaˈʧofa La al-kah-cho-fa
Broccoli El brócoli ɛl ˈbɾokoli Elle bro-koh-lee
Broccolini El broccolini ɛl ˈbɾokolini Elle bro-koh-lee-knee joint
Cauliflower El coliflor ɛl koliˈfloɾ Elle koh-lee-flor
Zucchini La calabacita la kalaβaˈsita La kah-la-bah-see-tah
Pumpkin flower La flor de calabaza la ˈfloɾ ðe kalaˈβasa La flor day kah-lah-ba-za

Fungi and mushrooms in Castilian

Fungi are some of the nigh interesting organisms on Earth. Although they're not technically classified as vegetables (or plants, fifty-fifty!), mushrooms and different kinds of edible fungi are treated simply like other vegetables in everyday life.

Hither'southward a tabular array with some of the most mutual fungi and mushrooms in Castilian.

English Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Corn Smut El huitlacoche ɛl wit̚laˈkoʧe Elle wee-tlah-koh-chay
Button mushroom El champiñón ɛl ʧãmpiˈɲõn Elle cham-pee-nyon
Enoki mushroom El champiñón enoki ɛl ʧãmpiˈɲon eˈnoki Elle cham-pee-nyon eh-no-primal
Oyster mushroom El champiñón ostra ɛl ʧãmpiˈɲon ˈostɾa Elle cham-pee-nyon os-trah
Portobello mushroom El champiñón portobello ɛl ʧãmpiˈɲõm poɾtoˈβeʝo Elle cham-pee-nyon pore-toh-bong-oh
Shiitake mushroom La seta china la ˈsɛta ˈʧina La say-tah chee-nah
White ear mushroom El hongo blanco ɛl ˈõnɡo ˈβlãnko Elle on-go blahn-koh
Truffles Las trufas las ˈtɾufas Las true-fahs

Leaves in Spanish

Edible leaves are splendid sources of vitamins and nutrients. Whether you make a salad, a smoothie, or a stew with them, you know you're nourishing your torso when you cook something with leafy greens. Here are some of our favorite leaves for cooking in Castilian.

Coriander, limes, tomatoes, and chillies in Spanish.

English Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Bok Choy El bok choy ɛl ˈbok ˈʧoi̯ Elle bok choy
Brussels Sprouts Las coles de Bruselas las ˈkoles̬ ðe βɾuˈselas Las koh-less day broo-seh-las
Cabbage El repollo ɛl reˈpoʝo Elle ray-po-yo
Kale La col rizada la ˈkol riˈsaða La kol re-zah-dah
Lettuce La lechuga la leˈʧuɣa La lay-choo-ga
Radicchio El radicchio ɛl raˈðikʧjo Elle rah-dee-key-oh
Chard La acelga la aˈsɛlɣa La ah-sell-ga
Spinach La espinaca la ɛspiˈnaka La ess-pee-nah-kah
Arugula La arúgula la aˈɾuɣula La ah-roo-goo-la
Coriander El cilantro ɛl siˈlãntɾo Elle see-lan-troh
Parsley El perejil ɛl pɛɾeˈxil Elle pay-ray-heel
Watercress El berro ɛl ˈbɛro Elle beh-ro
Collard greens La berza la ˈbɛɾsa La bear-zah
Dandelion Los dientes de león los ˈdjɛ̃ntes̬ ðe leˈõn Los dee-en-tess day lee-on
Iceberg lettuce La lechuga iceberg la leˈʧuɣa i̯seˈβɛɾɣ La lay-choo-ga iceberg
Romaine lettuce La lechuga romana la leˈʧuɣa roˈmana La lay-choo-ga roh-mah-nah
Endive La endibia la ɛ̃nˈdiβja La en-dee-bee-ah
Mustard greens La mostaza de la Bharat la mosˈtasa ðe la ˈĩndja La moss-tah-zah twenty-four hours lah in-dee-ah

"Fruit" vegetables in Spanish

Yous've probably heard of the heated debate on whether tomatoes are fruits or vegetables. Although treated as a vegetable, a tomato plant is officially a fruit. The same is truthful for many other impostor vegetables that we honey and consume just similar whatever other vegetable. Here are some of the most pop ones.

Avocado trees in Spanish.

English language Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Chili El chile ɛl ˈʧile Elle chee-lay
Cucumber El pepino ɛl peˈpino Elle pay-pee-no
Eggplant La berenjena la bɛɾɛ̃nˈxena La bay-ren-heh-nah
Okra La ocra la ˈokɾa La oh-kra
Plantain El plátano manlike ɛl ˈplatano ˈmaʧo Elle plah-tah-no mah-cho
Avocado El aguacate ɛl aɣwaˈkate Elle ah-goo-ah-kah-tay
Pumpkin La calabaza la kalaˈβasa La kah-lah-bah-zah
Spaghetti Squash La calabaza espagueti la kalaˈβasa ɛspaˈɣɛti La kah-lah-bah-zah ess-pah-geh-tee
Tomatillo El tomatillo ɛl tomaˈtiʝo Elle toh-mah-tee-yo
Tomato El tomate ɛl toˈmate Elle toh-mah-teh
Chayote El chayote ɛl ʧaˈʝote Elle chah-yo-teh
Bitter Melon El melón amargo ɛl meˈlon aˈmaɾɣo Elle may-lon ah-mar-go
Jackfruit La yaca la ˈɟʝaka La yah-kah
Vanilla La vainilla la bai̯ˈniʝa La vah-east-genu-ya
Winter Melon La calabaza china la kalaˈβasa ˈʧina La kah-lah-bah-zah chee-nah
Bell Pepper El pimiento ɛl piˈmjɛ̃nto Elle pee-me-en-toh
Cayenne Pepper El pimiento de Cayena ɛl piˈmjɛ̃nto ðe kaˈʝena Elle pee-me-en-toh twenty-four hours kah-ye-nah
Habanero El habanero ɛl aβaˈnɛɾo Elle ah-bah-nay-ro
Jalapeño El jalapeño ɛl xalaˈpeɲo Elle ha-lah-pay-nyo
Peperoncino El peperoncino ɛl pepɛɾõnˈsino Elle peh-peh-ron-chee-no

Seeds (legumes) in Spanish

Seeds and legumes are fantastic sources of found-based protein. Even if you're not a vegetarian, consuming plant protein is a slap-up way to improve digestion and aid our organs do their task.

Plus, if you're a fan of Mexican and Latin American food, you lot'll find that legumes like blackness beans, corn, and chickpeas are staple foods in these regions.

Corn and legumes in Spanish.

English language Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Beans Los frijoles los fɾiˈxoles Los free-pigsty-ess
Blackness Beans Los frijoles negros los fɾiˈxoles̬ ˈneɣɾos Los free-hole-ess
Pinto Los frijoles pintos los fɾiˈxoles ˈpĩntos Los free-hole-ess peen-toss
Kidney Beans Los frijoles colorados los fɾiˈxoles koloˈɾaðos Los free-hole-ess koh-lo-rah-dos
Edamame El edamame ɛl eðaˈmame Elle eh-da-ma-meh
Peas Los chícharos los ˈʧiʧaɾos Los chee-cha-ross
Snow Peas Los tirabeques los tiɾaˈβekes Los tee-rah-beh-kess
Snap Peas Los guisantes los ɡiˈsãntes Los gee-san-tess
Corn El maiz ɛl ˈmai̯s Elle mah-is
Chickpea El garbanzo ɛl ɡaɾˈβãnso Elle gar-bahn-zo
Fava Beans Las habas las ˈaβas Las ah-bass
Lentil La lenteja la lɛ̃nˈtexa La len-tay-ha
Peanut El cacahuate ɛl kakaˈwate Elle kah-kah-ooh-ah-teh
Soybean La soya la ˈsoʝa La and so-ya

Sea vegetables in Spanish

Sea vegetables are easily forgotten as about people don't remember of underwater crops when they think of vegetables. Even so, sea vegetables are a staple of Due east Asian cuisines, with Japanese culture being i of the well-nigh eager to incorporate ocean vegetables. And so, if you're a fan of sushi and Japanese food, you lot'll want to learn the vocabulary below.

English Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation
Wakame El wakame ɛl waˈkame Elle wah-kah-meh
Sea Lettuce La lechuga de mar la leˈʧuɣa ðe ˈmaɾ La lay-choo-ga day mar
Greenish Laver Las algas verdes las ˈalɣas̬ ˈβɛɾðes Las al-gas ver-des
Nori El nori ɛl ˈnoɾi El no-ree

Latin American vegetables in Spanish

Learning a new linguistic communication is a great way to explore new cultures and observe new things. Even if you're studying Spanish online at habitation, y'all tin pretend to go along a trip through Latin America by learning well-nigh the vegetables local to each country.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the local vegetables you can wait to find at the marketplace next time you become to i of these Latin American countries!

Chillies and Latin American vegetables in Spanish.

English language Spanish IPA Spelling Pronunciation Land
Nopal El nopal ɛl noˈpal Elle no-pal United mexican states
Jicama La jícama la ˈxikama La he-kah-ma Mexico
Poblano pepper El chile poblano ɛl ˈʧile poˈβlano Elle chee-lay poe-blah-no Mexico
Chipotle El chipotle ɛl ʧiˈpot̚le Elle chee-poe-tlay United mexican states
Chia Seeds La chía la ˈʧia La chee-ah Mexico
Red Potato La papa sabanera la ˈpapa saβaˈnɛɾa La pah-pah sah-bah-nay-ra Colombia
Creole White potato La papa criolla la ˈpapa ˈkɾjoʝa La pah-pah cree-oh-ya Colombia
Exploding Cucumber El cuchinito ɛl kuʧiˈnito Elle coo-chee-knee-toe Republic of colombia
Oca La oca la ˈoka La oh-kah Peru
Ají amarillo chili El ají amarillo ɛl aˈxi amaˈɾiʝo Elle ahi ah-mah-re-yo Republic of peru
Maca La maca la ˈmaka La mah-kah Peru
Ulluco El ulluco ɛl uˈʝuko Elle oo-yu-coh Peru
Water Root El yacón ɛl ɟʝaˈkõn Elle yah-con Republic of peru
Mashua La mashua la ˈmaswa La mah-shoe-ah Peru
Purple Corn El maiz morado ɛl ˈmai̯s̬ moˈɾaðo Elle mah-is moe-rah-doe Peru
Peruvian Corn El choclo ɛl ˈʧoklo Elle cho-clo Peru
Quinoa La quinoa la kiˈnoa La primal-no-ah Peru
Stuffing Cucumber La caigua la ˈkai̯ɣwa La kai-gua Peru
Amaranth El amaranto ɛl amaˈɾãnto Elle ah-mah-ran-toh Republic of peru
Cucumber of the Forest El pepino del monte ɛl peˈpino ðɛl ˈmõnte Elle pay-pee-no del monday-tay Argentina
Anean Potatoes Las papas andinas las ˈpapas ãnˈdinas Las pah-pas an-dee-nas Argentine republic
Squash El ayote tierno ɛl aˈʝote ˈtjɛɾno Elle ah-yo-tay tee-er-no Costa Rica
Elephant Ear El tiquisque ɛl tiˈkiske Elle tea-keys-kay Costa Rica
Zapallo Squash El zapallo ɛl saˈpaʝo Elle za-pah-yo Republic of costa rica
Dill El eneldo ɛl eˈnɛldo Elle en-el-doe Republic of costa rica
Long coriander El culantro ɛl kuˈlãntɾo El cu-lan-troh Nicaragua
Aloe Vera El aloe vera ɛl aˈloe ˈβɛɾa Elle ah-lo-eh vay-ra Nicaragua

Tips for memorizing the vegetables in Spanish

Watch cooking videos in Castilian

Latin American cuisine is indisputably one of the best and most varied in the earth, from Peruvian ceviche to Cuban tostones. In fact, the entirety of Mexican cuisine was awarded UNESCO status equally an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

And every bit if that wasn't plenty, Spain has an incredible gastronomical scene with plenty of fantastic dishes, such as paella and tortilla española. From Valencia to Las Islas Canarias, Castilian food is in a league of its own.

Regardless of the type of diet you lot follow, you're certain to find some (merely likely many!) Latin American and Castilian dishes that y'all dearest. Past learning about the different vegetables, you'll be able to lookout man cooking and recipe videos from the experts in their native language.

To maximize your exposure to vegetables specifically, we suggest looking for vegan and vegetarian recipes. We recommend the YouTube videos from Kiwilimón, a Latin American cooking aqueduct with enough of vegan recipes.

Ask for a Spanish menu

Whenever you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, you have to brace yourself to read a lot of Spanish. Notwithstanding, if you visit tourist hotspots like Cancún or Medellín, you almost always accept the selection to cull from an English language or a Spanish menu. Always ask for the Castilian menu if you're trying to learn Castilian!

It might exist hard at beginning, but your ultimate goal as a Spanish-learner is to be able to navigate Spanish text with ease. The more than y'all expose yourself to native content, the sooner you'll become practiced in Spanish.

And even if you don't travel to Spanish-speaking countries oftentimes, you probably already have a get-to Mexican restaurant in your area. In many cases, these restaurants will have a Spanish card, specially if it's an authentic restaurant. Enquire them if they have a Spanish bill of fare yous tin can use and claiming yourself next time you go for a bite to eat!

Create vegetable flavour contour cards

Learning vegetable vocabulary can be more than fun than learning other vocabulary for ane principal reason: you lot can consume it. That gives you a lot more context for each vocabulary word, as you already know what the vegetable smells like, tastes like, and feels like.

A great fashion to memorize your favorite vegetables is to create flavor profile cards for them. In a flashcard or a minor piece of paper, write down as much contextual information as you tin can well-nigh a vegetable.

What does it taste like? What dishes tin you make with it? Does information technology grow underground? Does information technology have rough peel? Is information technology easily available year-round?

Write downwardly as much info as you can, and make sure you translate information technology into Spanish as well! The more context clues you can write down, the more than likely you are to associate the vegetable with its Castilian proper name.

Frequently asked questions about vegetables in Spanish

What vegetable is Spain known for?

Spanish cuisine is packed with vegetables, from potatoes to onions to bell peppers—but i reigns supreme. Garlic is the 1 vegetable that y'all can taste in almost every single dish in Spain. And then, if you're a fan of garlic, Kingdom of spain should exist one of the very next destinations you travel to!

What vegetable is Mexico known for?

Mexico has many distinctive vegetables, namely:

  • Corn
  • Chillies
  • Nopal
  • Tomatillos
  • Avocado (although technically a fruit)

Brand sure to taste some of these unique national vegetables next fourth dimension you lot're in Mexico!

Can I bring vegetables from Mexico?

Fresh vegetables are usually prohibited at state, sea, and air border crossings. Commercially packaged and canned vegetables are usually okay, but you should never try to cross the edge (any border!) with fresh fruits or vegetables.

Don't stop at vegetables

Now you lot know how to say well over a hundred different veggies in Spanish! However, there's so much more to food and culinary experiences than merely veggies. There's still fruits, meats, drinks, snacks, and so much more than nutrient vocab that every foodie must know!

But whether you lot're a professional chef or simply want to exist an expert diner, y'all're doing bully past starting with the veggies. In no fourth dimension, you'll become an expert on food vocabulary in Spanish, if non an good chef!

We hope you enjoyed our blog post, and make sure to bank check out our Spanish blog if y'all did! We regularly publish costless Spanish report resources like this guide, then make sure to bookmark it and come back often.

At present, time for you to go nuts with all your new Spanish vegetable vocabulary!


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