
Channel Proteins Vs Carrier Proteins

The cell membrane separates the cell from the external environment. It is a semipermeable lipid-protein glaze existing in all cell types. The jail cell membrane contains membrane proteins, providing selective permeability and membrane send. These proteins are important to sustaining life, as a jail cell's survival depends on its ability to control the unlike composition of the extracellular and intracellular environment. Transport proteins, part of the membranes are channel and carrier proteins.

What is Channel Proteins?

Aqueduct proteins are proteins that accept the power to form hydrophilic pores (channels) in cells' membranes, transporting molecules downwardly the concentration gradient.

Channel proteins let the ship across the membrane either of one type of molecule or of several types of similar molecules. They have unlike diameters, electrically charged groups, and high selectivity. Aqueduct proteins cross the entire membrane, thus assuasive the target molecules to pass through them by diffusion. This transport allows polar and charged substances to avoid the hydrophobic interior part of the membrane, which would slow down or block their entry into the jail cell.

Aqueduct proteins practice not interact with the transported substances. This allows the fast send of the substances through the membrane.

Some channel proteins are open all the fourth dimension, others can exist opened or closed in response to a specific signal (such as an electrical bespeak or the binding of a molecule). Cells involved in the transmission of electric signals (nerve and muscle cells) have closed aqueduct proteins for sodium, potassium, and calcium ions in their membranes. The opening and closing of these channels, as well as the resulting changes in the concentration of these ions inside the jail cell, play an of import role in electric transmission across membranes in nerve cells and in musculus contraction.

Depending on the factor that opens (activates) or closes (inactivates) the aqueduct proteins they are:

  • Potential-dependent aqueduct proteins – activated by a change in the membrane potential;
  • Ligand-dependent aqueduct proteins – activated past bounden to a ligand-mediator, hormone;
  • Mechanically dependent channel proteins – activated past mechanical deformation of the cell membrane.

Examples of channel proteins include chloride, potassium, calcium, sodium ion channels. A specific type of channel proteins are aquaporins, which can conduct water through the membrane very quickly.

What is Carrier Proteins?

Carrier proteins are integral proteins that tin can transport substances beyond the membrane, both in the direction of and against the concentration gradient.

Carrier proteins are divided into:

  • Uniporters – carry merely i type of molecules or ions, against the concentration gradient;
  • Symporters – carry two or more different molecules or ions in one direction;
  • Antiporters – carry to contrary directions different molecules or ions.

Carrier Proteins transport substances through the cell membranes confronting (agile ship) or downward the concentration gradient (facilitated improvidence). Moving substances against the concentration gradient requires energy. This energy may be obtained from ATP or from the environment. The send of molecules and ions downwards the concentration gradient does not crave energy.

Some proteins execute the and so-chosen secondary agile transport, which uses facilitated improvidence of one substance to drive the agile send of another. This send requires free energy, but information technology is not obtained direct from ATP.

The functions of the carrier proteins include:

  • Transporting big molecules through the cell membrane (lipids, sugars, etc.);
  • Creating ion gradients, assuasive:
    • Performance of the mitochondria – the transport of protons through the membrane and the resulting gradient leads to the creation of ATP;
    • Functioning of the nerve cells – the sodium-potassium slope is the power source of these cells;
    • Functioning of chloroplasts, etc.

Examples of carrier proteins are:

  • Sodium-potassium pump – uses twenty-25% of the ATP in the human being cells to transport sodium and potassium ions outside the prison cell, against the slope;
  • Glucose-sodium cotransport – indirectly  uses ATP to power secondary active ship;
  • Valinomycin – carries potassium downward the concentration gradient. It can destroy bacteria's electrochemical gradients and is used as an antibiotic.

Difference Between Channel and Carrier Proteins


Aqueduct Proteins: Channel proteins are proteins that accept the ability to class hydrophilic pores in cells' membranes, transporting molecules down the concentration gradient.

Carrier Proteins: Carrier proteins are integral proteins that can transport substances across the membrane, both down and against the concentration slope.

Direction of transport

Aqueduct Proteins: Aqueduct proteins transport substances downward the concentration slope.

Carrier Proteins: Carrier proteins transport substances both down and against the concentration slope.

Mechanism of the transport

Channel Proteins: Channel proteins form pores crossing the membrane, thus allowing the target molecules or ions to pass through them by diffusion, without interaction.

Carrier Proteins: Carrier proteins bind to molecules or ions on one side of the membrane and release them on the other.


Channel Proteins: Depending on the factor that activates or inactivates them, the aqueduct proteins arepotential-dependent, ligand-dependent, mechanically dependent channel proteins, etc.

Carrier Proteins: Depending on the characteristic of the ship carrier proteins are uniporters, symporters, antiporters, etc .

Free energy consumption

Channel Proteins: Channel proteins do not eat energy to transport molecules and ions down the concentration gradient.

Carrier Proteins: Carrier proteins need free energy to ship substances against the concentration slope. The send of molecules and ions down the concentration gradient does not require energy.


Aqueduct Proteins: Examples of channel proteins include chloride, potassium, calcium, sodium ion channels, aquaporins, etc.

Carrier Proteins: Examples of carrier proteins are sodium-potassium pump, glucose-sodium cotransport, valinomycin, etc.

Channel VS Carrier Proteins: Comparison table


  • The cell membrane contains membrane proteins, providing selective permeability and membrane ship. Transport proteins, part of the membranes are channel and carrier proteins.
  • Channel proteins are proteins that have the power to form hydrophilic pores in cells' membranes, transporting molecules down the concentration gradient.
  • Carrier proteins are integral proteins that can transport substances across the membrane, both down and against the concentration gradient.
  • Channel proteins transport substances down the concentration gradient, while carrier proteins transport substances both down and confronting the concentration gradient.
  • Aqueduct proteins form pores crossing the membrane, thus allowing the target molecules or ions to pass through them by diffusion, without interaction. Carrier proteins bind to molecules or ions on 1 side of the membrane and release them on the other.
  • Depending on the gene that activates or inactivates them, the channel proteins are potential-dependent, ligand-dependent, mechanically dependent channel proteins, etc. Depending on the characteristic of the transport carrier proteins are uniporters, symporters, antiporters, etc.
  • The transport of molecules and ions downward the concentration slope does non require energy. Channel proteins do not swallow energy, carrier proteins demand energy only to ship substances against the concentration gradient.
  • Examples of aqueduct proteins include chloride, potassium, calcium, sodium ion channels, aquaporins, etc. Examples of carrier proteins are sodium-potassium pump, glucose-sodium cotransport, valinomycin, etc.
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Channel Proteins Vs Carrier Proteins,


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