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Federal law requires federally licensed firearms dealers (but not private sellers) to initiate a groundwork cheque on the purchaser prior to sale of a firearm. Federal police provides states with the choice of serving equally a state "point of contact" and conducting their own background checks using state, as well as federal, records and databases, or having the checks performed by the FBI using only the federal National Instant Criminal Groundwork Bank check System ("NICS") database. (Note that country files are not always included in the federal database.)

In 2014, Washington became the beginning state in the nation to pass a universal background checks law by voter initiative.1 The constabulary requires all private sales of firearms to be conducted through a federally licensed firearms dealer who will acquit a background check on the individual buyer. Washington likewise requires law enforcement to run a background check before returning a confiscated firearm.two

In 2020, Washington enacted a law making it a full point of contact state for NICS. The new law requires the Washington state patrol to establish a firearms background check unit to serve as a centralized unmarried point of contact for dealers to carry background checks for firearms sales or transfers.three Until the new system becomes operational, all the same, the following groundwork check procedures all the same apply4:

  • Local police force enforcement departments serve as state points of contact for implementation of the Brady Act for all dealer deliveries of handguns. In 2018, voters approved a measure that extends this requirement to transfers of semiautomatic rifles.5
  • Licensed dealers must conduct background checks on prospective purchasers each fourth dimension a dealer transfers a Washington requires firearms dealers to use NICS, the Washington Country Patrol electronic database, the Section of Social and Wellness Services' electronic database, and other agencies or resources every bit advisable when processing firearm transactions.7

Xxx days after the Washington state patrol issues a notification to dealers that a state firearms background check system is established, the land patrol shall report each instance where an awarding for the purchase or transfer of a firearm is denied as the result of a background check that indicates the applicant is ineligible to possess a firearm to the local police enforcement agency in the jurisdiction where the attempted purchase or transfer took identify. The reported data must include the identifying information of the applicant, the date of the application and denial of the application, the basis for the deprival of the application, and other information deemed appropriate past the Washington country patrol.

The police enacted in 2017 likewise requires the Clan to create an automatic protected person notification system assuasive a person to annals to receive notification if an individual subject to a domestic violence order attempts to purchase a firearm.eight


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  1. Launder. Rev. Code Ann. § 9.41.010[↩]
  2. 2015 WA Southward.B. 5381, Sect. two(1).[↩]
  3. Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 43.43.580.[↩]
  4. Rev. Lawmaking Wash. § 9.41.090.[↩]
  5. Washington Proposition 1639, effective July 1, 2019.[↩]
  6. Launder. Rev. Code Ann. § nine.41.090(ii)(b).[↩]
  7. Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 9.41.090(2)(b).[↩]
  8. Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 36.28A.___ (added past 2017 c 261 § 5).[↩]